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SkyLite's collaboration with major private airlines, corporate airlines, flying clubs and maintainance house results in availability of aircrafts,aviation products and services as per clients requirement based on pax/cargo size, aircraft requirement and client's budget

Aircraft Model Cessna 172 ( Unpressurized)
Engine Type Single Piston Engine
Pax Size 02 + 02
Location Jharkhand, Orissa
Aircraft Model P 68 C ( Unpressurized with Air Condition)
Engine Type Twin Piston Engine
Pax Size 02 + 04
Location Orissa, Bangalore
Aircraft Model King Air C -90 (Pressurized with Air Condition)
Engine Type Twin Turbo Prop
Pax Size 05 + 02
Location Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai
Aircraft Model Super King Air B 200 (Pressurized with Air Condition)
Engine Type Twin Turbo Prop
Pax Size 07 + 02
Location Orissa, Delhi
Aircraft Model Cessna Citation (Executive Jet, Pressurized with Air Condition)
Engine Type Jet
Pax Size 07 + 02
Location Pune, Mumbai, Delhi
Aircraft Model CRJ (Executive Jet, Pressurized with Air Condition)
Engine Type Jet
Pax Size 15 + 03
Location Delhi
Aircraft Model Bombadier Challenger 604
(Executive Jet, Pressurized with Air Condition)
Engine Type Jet
Pax Size 08 + 03
Location Delhi, Mumbai
Helicopter Model MI 172
Engine Type Jet
Pax Size 23 + 03
Location Delhi
Helicopter Model Ecureuil
Engine Type Jet
Pax Size 04 + 02
Location Orissa, Bangalore
Helicopter Model Bell 407
Engine Type Jet
Pax Size 04 + 02
Location Orissa, Bangalore, Delhi
Helicopter Model Robinson
Engine Type  
Pax Size 03 + 01
Location Orissa, Mumbai, Delhi

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Disclaimer - SkyLite Aviation is in the process of acquiring Aircrafts and the required Licences from DGCA. As of now, SkyLite Aviation DOES NOT OWN, MAINTAIN, CHARTER OR OPERATE AIRCRAFTS. SkyLite Aviation IS NOT A DIRECT OR INDIRECT AIR CARRIER. All charter flight services are offered and provided by third party DGCA licensed direct air carriers, certified under Director General Of Civil Aviation Regulations issued by Civil Aviation Ministry of India.